By: Allison Upchurch, Staff Reporter
To donate or to find out more information about Sister Stan’s work, go online to or follow their Facebook page @SisterStansChildren.
Regis Innovation Challenge gears up for launch
By: Samantha Jewell, Social Media Editor
If you would like to learn more about the Innovation Challenge please visit and join them for their launch party at 6:00 pm Oct. 23, in the Innovation Center at Regis University.
The awaited week has arrived: The Opus finalists are here!
By: Trevor Pyle, Staff Reporter
On Monday, Oct. 9, a group of freshmen welcomed the three Opus finalists in the chapel. Each finalist gave spoke about their organizations and their personal journeys to kick off a week teeming with events at Regis, the Opus prize award ceremony is one of them.
Opus Prize nominee Dr. Jason Reinking visits Regis class
By: Natalia Zreliak, Digital Editor
Yesterday, Opus prize nominee, Dr. Jason Reinking visited Regis students to talk about his work at the Roots Community Health Center.
Regis student opens up about her relationships with alcohol and cigarettes
By: Alanna Shingler, Editor
Note from the author: This is the first of a three-part series on Regis students’ interactions with drugs. Without judgment and without blame, the goal is to uncover the truth about who’s using, what they’re using, and why.
Opus Prize week overview and schedule of events
By: Thomas Jones, Staff Reporter
The culmination of all the hard work done by Regis, the Opus Prize Organization and most importantly, the Opus Prize finalists, will be seen this upcoming week here at Regis.