A Note On Future Justice Pieces

Fellow Rangers,

               Within the next few weeks, I am embarking on a journalistic task to describe, discuss, and analyze the topic of black-on-black crime. This issue is important not only within our Regis community but nationally and even worldwide. I know this because when Regis senior Jack Flotte commented on the subject during Anti-Oppression week, it garnered national attention.

               “Black-on-black crime is not a thing. Don’t talk about it. Shut it down when people talk about it,” said Flotte. In response, news outlets around the nation rejected his statement. Even the infamous Milo Yiannopolis had something to say.

               Dealing with a topic like this is by no means easy, but I believe it is necessary. As a community, we have a duty to discuss and engage with topics that are more than interesting. We must engage with controversy because controversy is at the center of all justice.

               As a journalist, my role is to share what I find through research and from interviews. My duty is never to interject my opinion or be biased in my search for answers. A journalist ought to be a facilitator of the truth, so that is what I will try to be.

               Nevertheless, I recognize that I may write something that upsets you or something you disagree with in the course of this endeavor. Instead of simply being angry, reach out. The Highlander and I are open to your comments, especially about important issues like this one. I would rather have a community dialogue where someone yells at me than have unknowingly hurt someone by what I did or said.

               With that being said, tune into the Justice section of our website for the next few Thursdays to read my stories, and afterward share your thoughts. The stories will involve data and causes of the black-on-black crime theory, how this connects to the Regis community, and what our community can do to bring our awareness and knowledge to the situation.

               I hope these stories will open your minds. I hope they will help widen your knowledge about the issue. Most importantly, I hope that I will write them in a way that shows my respect for both journalism and the sensitive nature of this matter.

Catie Cheshire Staff Reporter