RUSGA President Addresses Campus After Shelter in Place

Dear Regis University students, 

You never think it is going to be your school. You never think it is going to be your friends that aren’t responding to your frantic texts. We are lucky that we did not lose a single life last night and that it was just some fluke that a man with an AK-47 walked in the vicinity of our campus. 

While many people take the threat of gun violence as an everyday run of the mill situation in the United States of America, we also know that so many others have not been as lucky. But the mere threat sent shockwaves through our Regis University community. Today, I am addressing you a bit dazed. However, more than my surprise is my gratitude; I am wildly thankful to know that our students, faculty, and staff are safe and cared for and by our community. 

After speaking to many people about the events of last night the reactions were mixed, ranging from terrified to apathetic to upset that they didn’t receive a text alert. 

I will say it again, we are lucky. The fact that someone was in the area of our campus with an AK-47 should arise concern. Instead, our university has remained silent and professors have carried on as if it was just another day.  But fear of the worst remains in the hearts of many students. 

I am writing this with anger in my heart that we as a collective are not taking a stand on the injustice that is gun violence. I implore you to take a stand. Here is my stand: we as a community need a publized active shooter protocol. We need to make ourselves heard--what do we want to change in lieu of this event?

 This issue and incident has nothing to do with your political affiliation, but everything to do with cura personalis. An AK-47 can shoot 600 rounds per minute. There are somewhere between 75 and 100 million AK-47s worldwide — or one for every 60 people on earth. 1 in 4 of all active shooter incidents have been at an educational institution. Let that sink in. There is a need for everyone to be educated about guns and the pervasive violence they cause in our country. I encourage you to do your research, but also remember to take care of one another as many have been triggered by this event due to past experiences, whether they be military, refugee status, or personal experience with gun violence. 

If you are in need of a confidential resource please use the resources we have available such as the counseling office which is located in the Coors Life Direction Center and is open from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. If you are in need after hours and weekends please call the crisis hotline at (303)-458-3507. To subscribe to RU text alerts text “Join RUAlert” to 30890. If you wish to discuss this further with me, I can be reached at


Annelise Pehr

Student Body President