Back to Yellow and Blue: Readjusting to Life at Regis Post Study Abroad

By Grace Admire, Staff Writer

Studying abroad was the best thing I ever did, even if it ruined my life a bit. Last August, before I embarked on my four-and-a-half-month long stint in Germany, I found myself walking across the quad and thinking to myself, I’ve really made a home here. I think I’m gonna miss this place while I’m gone. And though there were a few moments where I found myself missing Regis (mostly my friends), my memory of that feeling ended up being used as a reminder that there would still be something for me here when I came back. While I was gone, I had worried a lot that things would be different when I came back. In a lot of ways, they were—not because my surroundings and friends were so different, but because I was so different. 

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