Alaina’s Recommendation: If you're looking for a chance to see the leaves change in Colorado, then I have a place for you! I took a drive out to Golden, CO with some friends, and the views were breathtaking. The town itself its an adorable little mountain town full of thrift shops, brunch places, and is an awesome place to spend an afternoon. Golden Gate Canyon State Park has stunning views of the Aspens and the fall colors are to die for! I’d recommend hiking because the views are even more beautiful close up, although you do need to purchase a pass to park your car within the park limits. That said, the drive to Golden is just long enough to get a good fall playlist going, and there’s a Starbucks about 2/3rds of the way there so it's a perfect opportunity to grab that pumpkin spice or pumpkin chai latte and soak in all the fall vibes. (Above photos by Alaina Valdespino)
Morgan’s Recommendation: I love corn mazes, and one I particularly recommend is at Anderson Farms. It is a drive, about 40 minutes, but I highly recommend it. My roommate and I went last year and had a great time. Their corn maze is Colorado’s longest-running corn maze, and it is 25 acres with over 8 miles of trails. Not only that, but each year the maze is a fun design rather than just random twists and turns. Last year’s theme was Bee Kind, which featured a bee and beehive design, while this year’s theme celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Terror in the Corn. But the corn maze is just one of their attractions, so there is even more to do including a pumpkin patch (a classic fall activity) and horror-related activities like Zombie Paintball and Terror in the Corn (a haunted corn maze).