Spotlights Shine on the Regis Spirit Team

By Austin Price, Editor in Chief 

It’s no secret that Regis University has spirit, spunk, and fun. With countless student activities, clubs, sports, and events, the Regis community is a menagerie of personal exchanges, group collaboration, and team building. However, one of the most impactful and important pieces of the Regis community is the Regis Spirit Team.  

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Reminders for Final Exams

By Paige Robinson, Staff Writer

Attention Regis Students,

You are almost there! As you stand on the threshold of finals week, I want to remind you of something crucial: you are capable, resilient, and equipped to conquer the challenges ahead. The journey you've embarked upon is not easy, but it is extremely rewarding. In the challenges of finals week lies an opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimately triumph. So, as you prepare to face your exams, essays, projects, and more, I urge you to embrace the following affirming statements.

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