Alexei Navalny: An Exceptional Leader

By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer

Alexei Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, scholar, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner. Navalny was Vladimir Putin's main competition for President of Russia. Navalny displayed anti-government demonstrations throughout all of his campaign. Navalny exposed those who were in power that were corrupting his country.. Nalvany was a voice for those scared to speak up against their leader. He was unique in the way that he brought all political views together. Liberal, conservatives, and nationalists, all wanted to feel safe and trust their leader and Navalny would give this to them.

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Bill to Support Sexual Assault Survivors

By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer

Colorado State Legislature has introduced a bill that aims to protect sexual assault survivors when it comes to what can be presented as evidence during criminal hearings. This would eliminate the victim having a previous relationship with the accused as being legitimate evidence. A big part of this bill is to end victim blaming from entering the system. Victim blaming happens when the victim of a crime is blamed for the crime happening. This regularly occurs in sexual violence cases.

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Music for the Masses: A New Album

By Austin Price, Editor in Chief

Singer / songwriter David W. Jacobsen is an accomplished artist with a menagerie of work to prove it. His latest album, Music for the Masses, was recently released in 2023. With 7 songs, and a listening time of 32 minutes and 54 seconds, Music for the Masses is a mixed genre album that combines humor with contemplation. Jacobsen sings of contradictions, opinions, and reflections through the lens of both a human, and an artist. The album has an unapologetic response to society’s confines and contains explicit topics. However, this raw and somewhat vulgar approach to his music gives Jacobsen an air of authenticity and a tone of realism. According to Jacobsen, “this album is about the contradictions of trying to create music that other people will like that you still like yourself,”. 

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