Opportunities for Regis Students to Volunteer

By Shelly Mosley, Guest Writer

As Regis students prepare for the summer, it’s crucial  to consider the importance of volunteering.

Those who volunteer regularly have a 27% more likely to gain employment and 60% of hiring managers see volunteering as an asset when selecting a candidate. Volunteering also reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine.

Volunteering is important for your students’ health, resume and the overall community. One of the opportunities available to Regis University students is the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) CARES volunteer program.

For those who are passionate about helping those during their time of need, ACS CARES needs student clinic volunteers to provide empathetic, culturally sensitive, and inclusive healthcare navigation support to those facing cancer. This is a great opportunity for students in social work or health sciences programs to make a difference in the lives of those fighting cancer while learning more about their field of study – and even getting clinical hours!

Student Clinic Volunteers serve in their role for one year, beginning in the summer of 2024. Volunteers are required to commit to one 4-hour shift per week, with additional time allocated for volunteer meetings and training/education.

The program is beginning its first full year and chose Regis University as one of its first locations – meaning this is a unique experience available to your students.

Learn more or apply here:


For questions, contact Shelly Mosley at:
