Arizona Supreme Court Entertains Old Abortion Bill

By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer

Arizona’s Supreme Court is interested in digging up a 160-year-old abortion ban and enforcing it today. This ruling makes abortion a felony and labels it as a punishable act that would carry a two to five-year sentence in Arizona for anyone who helps women perform an abortion. The only exception is if a woman needs an abortion to have her life saved.

The Supreme Court has put their decision on hold for 14 days. 14 days to pick whether or not women in Arizona will have not only reproductive rights but human rights. Democrats are appalled and voicing their concern about this bill. President Biden said, “Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban, which fails to protect women even when their health is at risk or in tragic cases of rape or incest,”. He also states that he will continue his fight for the reproductive rights of women. 

Surprisingly, Trump, a Republican, also was taken aback by Arizona’s thought of reviving this bill. This is unexpected because during Trump’s presidency, he overturned Roe V. Wade and backed a ban on abortions after 20 weeks. Trump pushes the individualist view and says that each state can make its own decision but he still has voiced his shock about Arizona’s possible bill. Trump has said that Arizona has gone too far but hopefully, “they’ll get it straightened out,”. 

The Supreme Court says that this bill may be coming to voters soon.