Alexei Navalny: An Exceptional Leader

By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer

Alexei Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, scholar, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner. Navalny was Vladimir Putin's main competition for President of Russia. Navalny displayed anti-government demonstrations throughout all of his campaign. Navalny exposed those who were in power that were corrupting his country.. Nalvany was a voice for those scared to speak up against their leader. He was unique in the way that he brought all political views together. Liberal, conservatives, and nationalists, all wanted to feel safe and trust their leader and Navalny would give this to them.

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Bail Reform in the Works

Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer 

The Georgia House of Representatives has passed a Republican-supported bill that approves a longer list of criminal offenses requiring cash bail. This will stop any charitable funds from being allowed as bail and send more people charged with misdemeanors to more dangerous prisons. Charitable groups can now only post up to three cash bonds in a year and if they go above this, they will also be charged with a misdemeanor. This is not the first time that Republicans have lengthened the list of crimes that require cash bail, with the current number recently surpassing 24. 

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