Cut My Strings

By Austin Price, Editor in Chief

Cut my strings 

Set me free 

For you don’t matter 

You can’t control me 

Breaking boundaries

Defying the odds 

Dancing for myself 

Accepting the applause 

The bonds are broken 

The restrictions are lifted 

The strings have snapped 

And the gears have shifted 

I’m raw and real 

Fierce and strong 

Like an uncaged bird 

I sing my song 

The temptation to hide 

Is a dangerous offer 

But why stay in the dark 

When I am meant to prosper 

No need to prove myself 

Because I already know 

That my strings are cut 

And my beauty is shown 

In this world I exist 

And yes, I do matter 

No need to prove my worth 

To the dark voices that chatter 

The stage is a canvas

Empty, monotonous and bare 

Just wait ‘till I’m done dancing 

And see what I share

I’ll share the layers of my soul 

The shades of my brain 

The passion in my heart 

And the times I’ve felt pain 

I have often been silenced 

Told I’m not enough 

But as I live and breath 

I will dance to show my love 

I am on top of the world

To say the very least

For this is an experiment 

Where I can be me 

I am not a pawn in your game 

I am the queen, you see

I am in a higher level of existence 

One where I can love me 

I am curious and intrigued

By my freshly freed soul 

This feeling is euphoric 

And I am finally whole  

I have cut my strings 

I have set myself free 

You still don’t matter 

And you will never control me