
Austin Price, Editor in Chief

Salty seawater kisses, toes swimming with the fishes 

Sandy sweat and playful threats 

It’s all golden when I’m with you

Tickles and teasing, snuggles, and sneezing

Forehead kisses, and long forgotten well wishes

It’s all golden when I’m with you

Blistered toes in the sparkling snow

Hazy heat beneath the flannel sheets

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Dogs barking and parallel parking

Business meetings into seasons greetings 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Lucky pennies with promises of many 

Birthday games using candle flames 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Babies crying and people dying 

Life changes and retirement savings 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Hands holding as we stand unknowing 

Pinky crossed, promises never lost 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Pet adoptions and Sadie Hawkins

Job interviews and stories misconstrued 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Impromptu musicals with our screaming vocals 

Impersonations and comedic lacerations 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Moving boxes and wild foxes 

Church going and lawn mowing

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Letters mailed and never failed 

We hug so tight, there’s no room for light

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Laundry folding and flower growing 

Dinner making and back breaking 

It’s all golden when I’m with you 

Compromises made and anger slain

Kindness shown and patience prone 

It’s all golden when I’m with you