Austin Price, Editor in Chief
Throughout the month of December, when our overly commercialized world is focused on gift giving and card signing, many local establishments thrive off the classic Christmas carols and local legends that share the childlike joy of traditional holiday rituals. Business is fueled by tourists looking to reignite their young innocence and hope for the magic in the world that cannot be seen but can always be experienced. One of these establishments is a prime example of the possession of holiday magic, and the mystifying influence it can have on oneself. Boasting the classic Christmas activity, and signature snowy style of the Rocky Mountains is Buckaroos Horse-Drawn Rides.
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Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer
The winter season is upon us! Below are some activities to participate in as the snow begins to fall!
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Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer
If you are feeling sad, disappointed, shocked, or defeated by the results of this election, you are not alone! Even if you are happy with how the election turned out, there is still a collective feeling of, “What now?” Many of us are terrified about what will come next but we must accept the decision made. However this acceptance can be aided by some tips to handle this stressful and uncertain time.
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Juliet Buckley, Staff Writer and Social Media Contributor
As an eighteen-year-old girl when I look back and reflect on my life, I find music in every single area and memory. I believe that I have adored music since I came out of the womb. There have been so many times where I cannot recall a memory until I hear a song that I liked around the time of the memory. Because of this, I have made it my mission to attend as many concerts as possible.
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Gabriella Sandoval, Events Liaison and Manager
Persuasion in politics is a tactic that has been used for years. It is designed to convince individuals with power in government positions to support and implement certain ideas and policies. This form of persuasion is known as “lobbying” and is also associated with advocacy. Lobbying can be carried out by either individuals or organizations undertaking public campaigns (which are legally registered with the government) to pressure people in government positions into taking action towards specific policies.
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James Ortiz, Staff Photographer
On October 25th, 2024 Regis University completed Friday's Senior Night celebration at the Regis Turf Fields with a victory over South Dakota School of Mines men’s soccer team, the Hardrockers. The game was a win for the Rangers with a final score of 2 to 1. This win once again preserved the Rangers spotless RMAC record.
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