By: Alyssa Gomez, Staff Reporter
Students and faculty celebrate International Happiness Day with a Regis alum.
The Curious Incident of the Regis Bookstore Location
By: Allison Upchurch, Staff Reporter
Oh where, oh where, has the bookstore gone?
Romp and Rollick, A Family Frolic
By: Andrianna Veatch, Staff Reporter
With summer break so close as to be practically tangible, it’s time to start dreaming about fun times with friends and family, and for those of us with younger siblings, that probably includes something to do with family-friendly films.
Women's History Month: Malala Yousafzai
By: Rose Ferrie, Staff Reporter
In honor of Women’s month, here's one woman who inspires us all.
New RUSGA constitution signals change on campus
By: Ellie Mulligan, Staff Reporter
A new RUSGA constitution was voted into effect on February 27th. This new constitution brings with it plenty of new changes, which are meant to provide a more democratic approach to the voice of the student body here at Regis.
Regis In Art: Dubi Arie’s “Under the Wings of God and the Shadow of Amalek”
By: Andrianna Veatch, Staff Reporter
One of Regis’ newest artistic acquisitions now resides in the Regis Room of Carroll Hall—“Under the Wings of God and the Shadow of Amalek” by Dubi Arie.