Falling For Fall Crafts
By: Morgan Jacobus, Editor in Chief and Carly Compesi, Staff Writer
Crafting, or making anything really, can be a great way to relax, de-stress, and give your mind a break. For me, I like to listen to music, or even watch tv while I make things. It is so satisfying to see a completed project. It is almost therapeutic, and I highly recommend it.
So, you in? Carly and I have a few inexpensive, relatively easy and simple crafts you can do. After all, we are in college.
Read MoreWhat you Need to Know About Who is on the Colorado Ballot
Though I’m sure as we approach election day everyone has heard about the presidential candidates, however, not everyone is sure of what else is on the ballot. When voting, there are federal and state positions looking to get filled that not everyone knows about. Out of state students who especially don’t know what views some candidates have can be inclined to only vote for the president. With that being said, here is a quick guide to individuals running for federal office on your Colorado ballot.
Read MoreAmy Coney Barrett and Religious Conservatism
By: Hannah Ury, Staff Writer
Photo credit: Susan Walsh, AP Photo
In just four years, the Trump Presidency has selected two highly controversial Supreme Court nominations, and it is looking more and more like his second nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, will be confirmed and become a member of the Supreme Court. Thankfully, Barrett does not have any allegations of sexual assault, a rarity in today’s politics, but she does have her fair share of sources of controversy.
When taking a look at her past, it’s easy to like Barrett. She has seven children, two of whom are adopted from Haiti. She is a woman of faith, and she has done extensive work as a judge and a professor, and her students at Notre Dame say she is a great professor who never brought politics into the classroom. It is also refreshing to see a woman rise so easily to power in a career field dominated by men. However, do not expect the rights of women to advance at all should Barrett be confirmed.
Barrett would overturn Roe v. Wade if given the chance, and organizations like Planned Parenthood would be weakened even further than they already have been. Although Americans have little say in the process of picking Supreme Court Justices, the process certainly impacts the American people. To overturn Roe v. Wade would be a significant step backwards, and it would not accomplish the conservative goal of putting an end to abortions. Women would not stop having abortions, they would simply have illegal abortions, but conservatives don’t care. While their message is that they want to save lives, they disregard the millions of children in foster care, the women who will die from dangerous abortions, and so many other lives in the process. This disregard shows that their agenda is not truly about life at all, it is about controlling women’s bodies. If Barrett will not stand up against the control of women’s bodies by the government, what will she stand up for?
One thing Barrett certainly advocates is marriage between a man and a woman, and a man and a woman only. It is fair to assume that given the chance, she would undermine LGBTQ rights, and expand religious freedom to discriminate against LGBTQ people. In our legal system, it is perfectly fine to believe in one’s religion that marriage is between a man and a woman, or a woman and a woman, or whatever else your religious text may say. However, personal beliefs are just that, personal. It is fundamental to our Constitution that religion and state remain separate, and as an originalist interpreter of the Constitution, Barrett should be more than familiar with the concept. However, despite her familiarity, the rulings she has made as an appellate judge and will make on the Supreme Court reflect her religion nonetheless.
The United States is not an anti-religious country, but we are, or at least claim to be, a country without an official religion. While it is okay for Supreme Court justices to have religious beliefs, it is unconstitutional for their religious views to leak into our legislature. Americans can expect to see a wave of religiously-driven decisions made by the Supreme Court in the future. Gay marriage, the right to choose, and many other landmark decisions could be impacted or even overturned under this new vehemently conservative Supreme Court. While Amy Coney Barrett might be a nice woman and an abundantly qualified candidate, she will leave a lasting impact on America, and it won’t be a good one.
Short Story: Words for War
By: Armando Covarrubias, Cartoonist, Writer
Out of all of the greatest weapons, mankind has ever concocted, the greatest weapon comes from humanity’s biology, specifically his voice. The human word can do so much, bring peace to nations, and create discord and war. As a humble messenger to the dark gods, I know far too well about the power of charisma, how it can be used and twisted for one's self-benefit. For my fight is not on the battlefield, but at the seat of the senate, or that is what I hope will happen. I have been going through this campaign for almost a year, and have developed a large number of supporters. And as I am still currently traveling from village to town, I plant my seeds of chaos in each successful campaign speech I make. For when I am victorious I shall reap the rewards, for my gods.
Read MoreCultural Photo Shoot on Friday Oct. 23
By: Morgan Jacobus, Editor-in-Chief
Graphic from Kalon Magazine poster
The word “kalon” means beauty that is more than skin deep, and that is what some affinity groups, like SOMOS and ASA, on campus are trying to accomplish through the photo shoot happening on Friday, Oct. 23. Regis students, faculty, and staff are invited to use clothing or other symbols to represent themselves, whether that be their culture/ heritage, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else that they want to represent.
“I think it is [about the] pride that they take in their culture. Especially right now we are living in a time where social justice is really important, and I think identity is also something we are at a peak at. I feel like before last year I wouldn’t think as much about my identity as I do right now,” said Celine.
While she was discussing the concept of identity and pride in your culture, Celine mentioned how she identifies as Belizean American. Though she was born in the U.S., she thinks that it is incorporate to incorporate both aspects of who she is: Belizean and American.
“it is that pride that I take that those are my family roots and that formulates who I am and establishes who I want to be,” said Campos.
Ultimately the goal of the photoshoot is to ultimately create the “Kalon Magazine,” showcasing the diversity and beauty of people at Regis.
“We want to make it a tradition here at Regis, an [annual] thing … I think it is getting more diverse at Regis, so I think it is very important to showcase that”
If you want to be involved, sign up for a time slot now with the link below!