Meet Your RUSGA Fall Senate Applicants

The Regis University Student Government Association is looking for Rangers to fill Senator Positions. In this process, they have received many applications from many promising students. Here are the applicants: 

Geovanie Tafoya

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professional 

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator in my first year of university because of the community and what I could give back. I am a commuter with a full-time student schedule; during orientation, the recourse fair, and the RUSGA event that the students attended after taking the class picture and being a part of the incoming student body this year. I have noticed the effort but also how I was helped in my first two weeks of school from meeting my professors to being guided in what I should do and plan my routine. I received a gracious amount of aid and help from the professors and the student body organizations that are there for new students, international and first generation students who I am a part of. Because of the welcome and support I found in trying to set my first step into university, I was not alone on that path. This was something I had felt grateful for in this university, which made me interested in joining and becoming a RUSGA Senator to become involved in my community and in giving back to the support I found.  

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If I were elected senator my top two priorities would focus on enhancing campus resources for students. This would be improving access to mental health services, expanding academic support groups and overall making sure students get the most resources to succeed in their academics and personally. Additionally, I would advocate and promote inclusivity and diversity for all students at Regis. I would like to work on an initiative that fosters a more inclusive campus environment, supports diverse student organizations, and creates a platform for underrepresented voices to be heard.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe through being transparent and communicating with students all around campus. Additionally, initiating positive change for a better environment such as identifying key areas of improvement on campus and working on projects that directly benefit students.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I have been a part of many clubs throughout my time in high school and some of which I was elected president for majority of them, so I know the importance of leadership and communication. I also uphold the principle of trust, as I would want students here at Regis to trust that each decision made was for their benefit.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • During my senior year of highschool, I was elected Class President. This role has prepared me for this position because of the leadership experience. I demonstrated my ability to lead and represent a group of students, which I believe is applicable to this role. Additionally, being a part of the NHS I have demonstrated a commitment to my service. I emphasized community service which I believe showed my commitment to helping others and improving my community, which I believe are key qualities for a senator.

Fatimazahra Riadi

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Senate at Large 1

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator in my first year of university because of the community and what I could give back. I am a commuter with a full-time student schedule; during orientation, the recourse fair, and the RUSGA event that the students attended after taking the class picture and being a part of the incoming student body this year. I have noticed the effort but also how I was helped in my first two weeks of school from meeting my professors to being guided in what I should do and plan my routine. I received a gracious amount of aid and help from the professors and the student body organizations that are there for new students, international and first generation students who I am a part of. Because of the welcome and support I found in trying to set my first step into university, I was not alone on that path. This was something I had felt grateful for in this university, which made me interested in joining and becoming a RUSGA Senator to become involved in my community and in giving back to the support I found.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, my top two priorities to improve the student experience will be mentorship opportunities for students who need such services in their first week of school, which is undoubtedly important. To also open up volunteer opportunities and events for students to get involved in, especially those who are commuters. It will be difficult for them to get involved in the community in their first year, and they could need those mentorship opportunities to balance their schedules and make sure they can see a clear path in their first year and the years coming after it.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • In my opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate is by providing time for feedback from the students because the feedback will aid in improving any areas that may need it through the school year. Feedback can be a form of polls or surveys that could offer a cumulative opinion on the decisions made for the students.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • The skills and strengths I possess that will help me to be successful in my position, elected will be my perseverance. I am a coachable person who takes feedback seriously to improve and persevere through the challenges set. The second skill will be my communication skills, I am a collaborative person in group settings. Also, my strength is to multitask and work under pressure if any situation arises.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • The live experiences that have prepared me to transfer to this position are the challenges I had to get through in high school, from balancing my schedule and attending clubs. High school clubs were something I always did to get involved in my school community; one of the clubs I have done for three years of my four years of high school was the National Honor Society. That organization offered many volunteer opportunities to accomplish within a semester, something I found myself doing and helping my school with, whether fundraising for my high school chapter or running concessions during games.

Ryan Cao

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Asian/Pacific Islander

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I believe that the title of a “senator” is possibly off-putting and intimidating, and I think that they are more than that. As a RUSGA Senator, I would clarify that there is more to the position than just discussing laws and activities across campus. A senator is a student, and a student is human—I believe we as a society often forget that. Being a Senator, I would use the opportunity to highlight the reality of human nature: we are not always perfect and will never be perfect. I would speak of the importance of picking yourself back up and, more importantly, helping others to do the same. Life is not lived alone, and as a Senator, I would work diligently to achieve unity across campus, no matter our differences. I hope that as Senator, I would uplift and voice others’ opinions on the betterment of campus, because I believe that listening and understanding others’ voices is beneficial to the union of Regis University. I would also use the opportunity to better get to know and more formally recognize my peers here at Regis. I’m passionate about understanding people and I have hopes to help make everyone on campus—students, staff, and faculty alike—feel seen and heard.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • One of my priorities to improve the student experience at Regis is the unification of everyone that goes to Regis University. I believe in the value of student-faculty relationships, and oftentimes we as students feel intimidated by our professors and faculty. As a Senator, I would highlight the importance of these relationships because that helps boost support and morale for both the teacher and the student. The learning experience is not individual, and I believe that both sides can learn something from each other, only if they feel comfortable enough to talk to each other. I also believe in student-student relationships, because it helps to foster new and innovative ideas that benefit campus’ diversity and vibrant student life. We are sometimes so holed up in our own business that we forget that there are others on campus as well. I’ve learned that community is essential to overcoming problems and tackling issues that may divide our student body.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe the Student Senate serves the student body through its ability to reach diverse groups across campus and help make each of their voices heard in RUSGA. Sometimes, the student government can feel aloof and isolated to the common student, like they are of a higher status. But, Student Senate allows for a more interpersonal and engaging experience, and helps students feel comfortable with talking about issues that they are passionate about. Additionally, Student Senate helps to unite specific groups of people under various representatives which creates thriving and vibrant communities. A sense of togetherness is highly valuable to student life because it fosters relationships that will most likely last past graduation. Again, unity is valuable in overcoming social issues and problems that we face in the past, present, and future. Overall, the Student Senate, although doesn’t have as much power as the RUSGA board, is still beneficial in providing a voice, creating even more comfortable environments for students to express themselves, and allows for an easier time approaching heavier topics and issues.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • In reflection of my leadership the past couple of years, I admit that I haven’t always exhibited those favorable characteristics ideal for leaders. But, trying to lead everywhere I go helped me realize that you don’t need those “favorable” qualities to be a valuable leader.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • Since the pandemic in 2020, I have been a prominent member of AGAPE, a Vietnamese service and faith-based youth organization. The word “agape” means unconditional love, relating to God’s boundless love for us and how we should treat others similarly. This is the foundation for all that AGAPE accomplishes, and I hope to bring to RUSGA and Regis University overall the AGAPE perspective: one of faith, service, and unconditional love. AGAPE hosts frequent student-led retreats to help center our hearts and minds on our mission in life. Because these retreats are planned by the members themselves, I’ve fostered my creativity, resourcefulness, and critical thinking. Additionally, we run various drives, create care packages, and host events for the marginalized, to name a few. Because of the format of AGAPE, I’ve learned how to focus on the person while also looking at the bigger picture and worldwide issues.  I believe that because of my experience in AGAPE, I can tackle subjects on a wide range of scales: both the individual student and the university. I hope to actively listen to and understand student stories and needs while also recognizing how their voice impacts all of campus. Most importantly, the foundation of my approach to the RUSGA Senate is unconditional love. I value and respect opinions of other affinity groups on campus and will support my peers’ ideas. I hope that my voice and actions as a member of the RUSGA Senate will exemplify my unconditional dedication to the betterment of campus life.

Cindy Ramirez Garcia

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: First-Generation

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator because as a First Generation and Commuter student, I understand the hardships that can be faced. I want to become involved with the Regis community; helping in making it a memorable, beautiful, and significant experience in all of the students' lives. Servanthood is a precious gift, where we are able to give instead of take; something of which many of us have experienced. I want to give to this community as much as I can in hopes of making a difference and growing personally.  I understand that it's more than a title; it's a commitment to our community in doing what we can to make it a better place and to create more leaders in the process that will bring forth a change in the future.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • Our campus has an increasing number of diversity within students. Some come from different states, even countries, some are the first in their family to go to college, or some come from cultures unlike our own. One of my top priorities would be to bring unity within the diversity in our campus. Being different from others can make you feel small, but everyone is precious with their differences. There are irreplaceable lessons we can learn from one another and that's something I want to take a part of.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • The Student Government should always be a reflection of the student body's voice. That is the purpose of becoming a representative. RUSGA has been doing a wonderful job and I believe that RUSGA should continue to pursue advocacy on campus every year. Whether that is advocating for the student body with administration or by creating a greater unification between RUSGA and the student body. There should be continued opportunities for RUSGA to connect with the communities that they are serving within campus. This assures that they are serving the best way that they can and that their agendas align with the voices of they are representing!

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • Two of my greatest strengths would be perseverance and having the heart to serve. These two work alongside each other, as I am persistent in producing change for others no matter the circumstances or limits. I have learned how to collaborate with others efficiently, execute clear communication to initiate plans, and how to maximize my capacities as a leader and as a fellow human. I am willing to learn and receive from those around me, with a sincere care for every person I encounter.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I was always involved with my communities since high school. During my freshman year, I started my school's Spirit Club from the ground up. I was President for all three years, managing events with a goal to build school spirit after COVID. During my Junior and Senior year, I became a Student Council representative. I was Student Body Vice President and worked very hard to execute dances, assemblies, protests, and plans to engage the student body more. I created an Environmental Stewardship club, as founder and President, collaborating with different organizations to bring forth a better understanding of what stewardship means. Another organization I was a part of was the District Accountability Committee. DAC was created to speak to the school board to recommend changes for our district. I had the honor of working with many caring, sincere, and hard working people that desire to bring change.  My goal has always been to leave a place better than it was, leaving a lasting impression on those around me. There's plenty of other things; volunteering at an equine center, Vice President of an orchestra club,  giving retreats to youth in other states, and currently joining clubs at Regis University. Even if I could name them all, it could never capture the way these experiences have pushed me to grow as a leader.

Olga Bulatovic

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: International

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I would like the ability to act as the representative of not only the international population, but as a representative of the student body as a whole. I understand that this is a great responsibility and one that I am fully prepared for. I would like to serve and help with organizing events and promoting inclusivity between all students.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If I were to be elected, one of my top priorities would be to increase the communication pathways in this school. I often hear how students are misinformed or are unaware of events happening on campus whether they are commuters or residential. Communication is key in all aspects of the university and ensures that students feel they are led by a responsible team and that they are comfortable. It is also the framework in developing my second priority which is increasing the community in Regis. This is Regis’s biggest year yet with the most accepted international students of varying nationalities. With Regis expanding more and more there is a need for a stronger sense of community. Development of the community is a difficult process but one I would be an excellent contributor to.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe that firstly, all members of the student senate should be made known to the student body so that they are recognizable and are known for their positions. This is so that suggestions, complaints and discussions can be brought to the right person and be dealt with as promptly as possible. I also think that it is important to create inclusive and interactive events for all students so that decisions made by RUSGA can be shared frequently so that the student population is kept up to date.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • My strong abilities of communication and open-mindedness make me an excellent candidate for this role. I rapidly mediate problems by listening to all parties and keep an open mind toward compromise and creative solutions. Most importantly, I am always happy to help no matter what task I do everything to completion.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • My leadership experience in an international boarding school, that boarded over 60 different nationalities, built up my skills in relationship-building and governance. As a leader in my boarding house of over fifty girls I have had plenty of experience of organizing meetings, creating school-wide events and raising money for charity.

Breanna Lawrence-Wilson

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: First Year Class

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • In the future, I hope to spend my life maximizing human potential to make societal progress; that is my mission as someone hoping to enter a career in Cognitive Science, and I want to start pursuing that mission now. I believe RUSGA is the best place for me to begin.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • One of my top priorities would be to create more and better opportunities for students to make connections with others who share diverse passions and interests, especially opportunities for first-year students to build these connections outside of their graduating class. Networking can be a critical aspect of future career success, so every authentic connection matters. While campus events, clubs, and affinity groups are phenomenal opportunities for students to be involved and put themselves out there, I believe, granted my limited time on campus, that their potential is not being maximized. 

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • Further, we can’t expect them to start the conversation; we must start it. We do that by simply being students ourselves, being involved and representing as leaders while we do, observing, listening, and having conversations as peers. Identifying the real problem is the first step to solving it.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • Finally, I am authentic. My communication is direct and honest, and I am not afraid to advocate in a crowd of people who may think differently than me. This, I believe, is among the most important qualities of a leader. We must be willing to be the first ones to act or speak on something at the risk of being judged, rejected, and shut down, because being the first welcomes others who believe the same to act and speak when they were too afraid to before.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • In high school, I was the Colorado FBLA* District 7 State Officer my junior year, FBLA Chapter President my junior and senior years, Student Council Vice President as a junior, and Student Council President as a senior. My State FBLA position provided me with extensive leadership training over the summer and throughout the school year, designing and giving workshop presentations, writing and giving speeches, and networking with advisors, members, and business professionals. I also conducted my team of district officers to plan and execute our district conference, as well as worked with my state team to plan and execute our state conference. During my local FBLA presidency, I increased our chapter membership by ~33% through recruitment and boosted member involvement in (and thus improved the outcomes of) chapter initiatives by designing/implementing a new organizational structure with committees that gave everyone a job and purpose. Holding Student Council office, I kickstarted a tutoring program, revamped orientation to include interactive, engaging activities during our presentation, revamped registration so that all our student organizations were represented at tables for parents and students to learn about, and successfully fought to keep the tradition of competitive mini games for teams at the Homecoming Pep Rally. *Future Business Leaders of America

Ella Weed

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Anderson College of Business

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator because I believe it is essential for student voices and ideas to be heard within a university setting. Students at all universities, especially Regis, are quite capable of contributing insights and creating positive change. It is important to me that all students have equal representation and opportunities to succeed at Regis and to have their ideas implemented. Through programs like RUSGA, students have the ability to stand up for what they believe in and see real changes be enacted that can then go on to positively affect others’ lives.  As a sophomore, I spent all of last year watching RUSGA put on fun and educational events and seeing the positive changes that were implemented in our school. I was always drawn to these events, because they do a very good job of fostering a community and helping students forge connections, especially with people outside of their inner circle. Community building is one of the biggest reasons I want to become a RUSGA senator. Having the ability to create opportunities where students may meet new people and create strong bonds and life-long friends means so much to me. One initiative I admired was watching as RUSGA gathered support and then took action to supply period products throughout campus. As a woman, I believe wholeheartedly in this issue and loved to see the positive change. Being a part of these types of changes is something I would love to do as a Senator.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, my top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis would be to empower the women attending the Anderson College of Business and continuing to build up a strong sense of community through events. As a woman attending the Anderson College of Business, and someone planning to enter the business world, I understand how intimidating it can be to face the overwhelming male presence in both the industry and the classroom. I would love to be able to advocate for the creation of more spaces and opportunities for women to feel supported in this field. This could look like working with female alumni, or workshops on leadership and confidence-building and exploring more options. My goal would be to help women at Regis feel confident, capable, and fully prepared for their future careers. My second priority is to continue on the path of past RUSGA senators to strengthen the sense of community on campus. I would love to continue to create an inclusive and tight-knit environment where all students feel safe. Organizing events, get-togethers, and forums for communication and idea sharing are all ways that I feel would make this environment possible. In fostering these connections, I would hope to create a campus where everyone feels that they belong.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe that RUSGA can best serve the students of Regis University by creating opportunities for open communication where students can share their concerns, ideas, and feedback. It is the job of the Student Senate to make sure that their actions align with the needs of the student body and through communication this becomes possible. RUSGA does a great job at implementing ideas and providing the campus with positive change. I think one of the biggest changes that would really help RUSGA would be to better advertise themselves to students. I have often heard that people are unsure of what RUSGA is or what they do. Because the senate does so much for the students and this university it is so important for students to be aware of this. In addition to this, if students were completely aware of what RUSGA is and their ability to create change, I think that the communication between the senate and students would greatly increase. This increase in communication would grow the amount of ideas and efforts that RUSGA could implement in the name of the student body. Getting the message and the people of the senate well-known across campus could greatly increase the efforts, support, and size of RUSGA. Being recognized as the bearers of positive change and representatives of student voices could be the next step for RUSGA in serving the students of Regis University.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • If elected, I believe my strengths in leadership, communication, and collaboration will help me be successful as the RUSGA representative for the Anderson School of Business and Computing. I have experience leading both academic and extracurricular projects. These opportunities have helped me develop strong decision-making and organizational skills. I’m comfortable taking initiative, setting clear goals, and working hard to achieve them. As a Senator, I would use these skills to advocate for student needs and ensure that feedback is heard. One of my core beliefs is that communication is key to successful leadership. I’m confident in my ability to listen actively to student concerns and ideas. By creating a conversation between students and university leadership, I would try to create an environment where every student’s voice is heard and respected. I would want to work hard to make sure that students feel safe sharing their concerns and know that they will be taken seriously.  Working with others toward a common goal is one of my greatest strengths. I have always preferred group projects and would consider myself a team player. In the Student Senate, I would work closely with students, and faculty to create positive changes on campus and move toward a collective goal.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have experience in student government, which has given me the skills to be able to listen to feedback from peers and implement changes in an effective manner. I was Student Body President in high school and led a project called the ‘Step It Up’ Heath Project. Within this role, I led a committee where we applied for grants and sought out donations in order to build our school a new track, bathroom facility, and playground. This project taught me how to organize and motivate a team and secure resources in order to bring an idea to life. It also helped me develop strong problem-solving and leadership skills, which I will bring to my role as a RUSGA representative. Communication is truly one of the most important skills for an effective leader, and I have always prioritized listening to the voices of others. Throughout my time as Student Body President,  I committed to actively hearing the concerns and ideas from students in order to best serve them. Within the previously mentioned project, feedback was the largest component of planning the layout, design, and placement of the project. I would carry this same passion for communication and collaboration into my time with RUSGA. My goal as a RUSGA senator would be to  ensure that student voices are not only heard but acted upon. All of my work in Student Body Government and on this committee have helped prepare me for a position within RUSGA.

Shohzodakhon Burhonova 

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Commuter Students

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  •         Being able to be a Senator to represent the commuter students would mean going out of my way to find my fellow commuters, not simply residential students. Being a commuter student, it can feel alienating knowing that once you are home, there could be things happening on campus that you are missing, so I am interested in at least getting close to, or simply closing that gap between being a residential student that has fun and a commuter student going home and not enjoying the time and simply studying. I want to be able to build a community that is respectful, helpful, insightful, considerate, and especially empathetic toward the Regis community overall because if I don’t step up to make Regis an even better place, who will?

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My overall goal, as stated above, is to improve the student experience at Regis and to help bring the community of commuters and residents closer making the gap with the distinction of the experience difference smaller. In order to do that, I will first conduct a questionnaire from commuter students asking what it is they like to do and simply how they feel now in regard to being a commuter, as well as the connection they feel toward the school. I will then ask if it can be improved and go off of that. That will then be my second priority: to do my best in order to improve the quality or enhance what is already established. I could have events or anything close to that in order to bring the community together. I would do this questionnaire every month or two, depending on how everything is going.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I think that the best way for RUSGA to serve the students of Regis University through Student Senate isn’t to separate anyone making people be in groups of “I am a RUSGA” senate vs “I am a student who goes to Regis University”, but rather having something like “I am a student who is curious about your thoughts and feelings and how we, as a student society can improve that”. I think everything has to be based on collaboration with the RUSGA group, as well as the community of Regis University. The best way, in my opinion, is to reach out and always be very clear about things happening and the communication that goes on. It is significant to be transparent rather than people doubting something and then losing motivation.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I would say I am very good at organizing, as well as communicating to a large group of people. If elected, I believe I will be successful because I have the ability to openly talk to people, and be able to kindly ask for whatever it is they need and will always hear what everyone has to say. Not just one person talking for the whole population, but the majority. That way, I am being fair and am hearing everyone’s insight. I love to also organize events and I think it would be a beneficial factor because I would be able to plan events and let the students know. Especially commuters ahead of time. Being a commuter myself is a skill in itself because I know how difficult it can be at times, so instead of planning something at night, I would plan things earlier on or even have 2 different sections so more people could come.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I mean, I am a commuter myself and I understand the struggles that come with it in terms of parking, trying to leave the house early, and simply feeling like I belong. But besides that fact, I have experience with my job in terms of assisting customers, I worked at Sam’s Club, and being able to assist to their needs of quite literally anything. In my high school, I also held a lot of officer positions, including being an officer for the National Honor Society as well as the Co-president for our Muslim Student Association, and actually, (almost directly) related, I was assisting with transportation for those that needed it to get home almost every other day. I always strive to learn and volunteer, so I am not new to this aspect of figuring things out and managing a lot of planning into an event like that.

Luisa Arevalo

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Latinx

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested and excited about the opportunity to become a RUSGA Senator because I am deeply committed to enhancing the student experience at Regis and ensuring that every student’s voice is heard,  also because I'm particularly passionate about addressing issues related to student wellness and campus inclusivity. I believe that as a Senator, I would have the opportunity to advocate for policies and initiatives that can make a tangible difference on campus and I will have a voice to represent the thoughts and concerns of a lot of students at Regis.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, my top two priorities would be enhancing student mental health because I think is a crucial aspect of the student experience, and I believe that strengthening the resources available to students in this area should be a top priority since go to college can get really overwhelmed to the point that can affected mental health and my other priority is to  support and improving campus sustainability initiatives  considering that we have such a pretty campus having students contribute to take care of can keep a healthier campus environment and foster a culture of environmental responsibility among students.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • In my opinion the best way to serve the students of Regis through the Student Senate is by focusing on representation by emphasizing the importance of accurately representing the diverse voices and needs of the student body as well as communication because it is the key to having ways to improve transparency and keep students informed about decisions and initiatives furthermore by advocating for student interests, addressing concerns, and driving initiatives that enhance, and collaboration by addressing important issues and implement solutions.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I believe my skills in communication, organization, and problem-solving will be crucial to success in this role. My strong communication abilities will help me effectively represent and be involved with both students and faculty. My organizational skills will enable me to manage multiple responsibilities and coordinate different types of situations. Additionally, my problem-solving skills will allow me to develop quick and effective solutions to any challenges that will come up. These strengths will help me contribute positively to the Student Senate and advocate effectively for student needs.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have previous experience as a member of the Student Council back in high school, during my senior year, I was the president of it where I worked on organizing events and initiatives that promote student engagement.  In my previous role as the president of the Student Council in high school, I successfully led a team in organizing multiple community service projects and found raises, this experience honed my ability to motivate others, delegate tasks, and navigate complex situations as well I have developed strong communication skills through my senior year since I was also class president and I was pretty involved on bringing new thing to the school that would make a significant impact in the community.

Michael Cavosie

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: DeSmet Hall

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA senator because I want to ensure that students have a positive and engaging time here at Regis University. Not only do I hope to improve things for students currently, but also leave lasting impacts on how we view our time here at Regis post-graduation. I hope that if elected as a RUSGA senator I can form new connections with people, while also helping others to form those connections.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, my top priority to improve the student experience would be to make discovering and joining clubs easier for everyone. Currently, many students are confused on where to find clubs, and how to join them. Getting involved with clubs is essential to a fun college experience and should be simplified and accessible. My second priority would be to improve dorm relationships by offering multiple opportunities for students of the same dorm floor / hall to meet each other and interact naturally. Regardless of grade, college remains a period of transition and doing it alone is extremely difficult. By putting these two student engagement opportunities as my prior priority, I aim to improve the overall camaraderie of the entire student body.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA can best serve Regis students by listening and actively improving upon students' requests and demands. It should be the job of the Senate to take every complaint or idea and explore them fully and act on them accordingly. The Senate serves as representative of the students, not as its own separate governing body.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I believe communication is key to being a student government senator. I have experience with communication through multiple volunteer and career opportunities. In addition, I know how important it is for students to know who their senator is, know how to contact them, and feel comfortable speaking with them about their concerns. I am a great listener and it will be my goal to form these connections with the student body. I also have skills with conflict resolution where I have received professional training by the Democratic party of Indiana.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have surrounded myself with the political arena my entire life. I started with paging in my state Senate when I was younger, fifth grade to eighth grade. After that, I have volunteered with many different social programs aimed at bettering community problems at their source. Some of these include the Indianapolis community center, Shepherds community center, St. Vincent de Paul of Indiana, etc… In addition, I was a fellow of Christina Hale’s national congressional campaign, where I worked with the candidate and campaign team up till the 2020 November election. Lastly, I acted in leadership roles in various high school clubs, such as secretary to the young Democrats club, treasurer to the Special Olympics of Indiana, as well as student outreach groups.

Ellissa Ellington 

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: International

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • As a black international student, becoming a RUSGA Senator offers an opportunity to address the lack of representation for international students in student government. This role would allow me to amplify not only my voice but also the voices of fellow international students, ensuring that our unique experiences and concerns are acknowledged and acted upon. By fostering greater inclusivity and diversity within student government, I can address specific issues we face, such as cultural adaptation, language barriers, and visa challenges. Serving as a Senator would also give me the chance to develop valuable leadership skills, expand my networks, and enhance my overall university experience.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, first, I would work on improving support services for international and diverse student populations. This includes expanding cultural sensitivity training, increasing resources for international students, such as language support and visa guidance, and promoting campus events that celebrate diverse cultures. The second priority would be to attempt to launch a program that helps students navigate life after graduation. This program would provide students with essential support in career development, work visa guidance, professional networking, and entrepreneurship. It would also offer resources for life post-graduation, such as financial planning, healthcare, and housing assistance. The goal is to equip students with the tools to confidently transition into their careers.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe RUSGA already does an amazing job of serving the students at Regis University as they: listen to student's needs, concerns, and ideas and try their best to find solutions, promote diversity and inclusivity so all students feel welcome, improve campus life by having countless clubs and activities.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • If elected, I would bring a unique perspective shaped by my experiences, cultural competence, and global insight. I’m resilient, adaptable, and committed to fostering inclusivity. With empathy, leadership, and a passion for social justice, I aim to drive positive change and advocate for all students at Regis University.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • Quite honestly, I believe that being an international student as well as being the current president of the international student club is what prepared me most for this position.

Min Fei Ginther

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Fourth Year Class

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • My friend Grace was the fourth year senator in the 2023-2024 school year and I really want to carry on the traditions that she started. It is super important to me that I provide an amazing senior year with many events as our senior year in high school was during COVID and we did not get to celebrate to the fullest extent.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • I want to put on events on the 25th of each month as our graduating year is 2025. I want to provide opportunities to celebrate with friends and have a memorable school year. I also want to be able to provide opportunities to learn adult world things if applicable. I feel as I still am unsure how certain things in life work so collaborating with different groups in and out of the Regis University would be beneficial for us all.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe that RUSGA best serves the students by providing community and support. Both emotionally and academically. I think by providing opportunities to improve academics and get to know fellow classmates is the best way to support students.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I am an effective communicator, patient and empathetic, adaptable, and detail oriented. I think all of these qualities will best support me when creating events for seniors. I will be able to communicate with necessary parties but listen to what the seniors want as events!

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I was the RUSGA Asian Representative so I believe this will help me in knowing how RUSGA runs as an organization. I also work as a Nurse Extern at St. Joe's hospital which has strengthened my ability to communicate effectively and adapt quickly. I have been a part of ASA since freshman year so I love to hear ideas from other people and work as a team. As well as being a cabinet member for RSNA in the 2024-2025 school year. This position has taught me how to time manage and complete tasks efficiently.

Gabby Johnson 

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Student Employment

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA senator because I want to continue the work with the student employment position I created last spring. My goal for being in senate this year is to build the student employment position from the ground up and establish a strong position for whomever takes the position over when I have left Regis.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My top two priorities will be making student employment options more well known. I plan to work with the different departments throughout the university that offer department funded and work-study positions to create a career fair for students at the beginning of next school year. My second goal is to partner with the student internship office to work towards making student internships more available and well known across the student body.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA can best serve its students by listening to them. Being a known presence on campus and being easily accessible to the students will make a huge difference on the student body's wishes and wants for the university.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I possess excellent time management skills. I am also well prepared to reach out to faculty and students to engage them. I am very hardworking, and I always get my tasks done well and in a timely manner.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have been a RUSGA senator for the past year and I have learned many things about leadership from my position as DeSmet Hall Senator last year. I have also been a CDA for a year and this position has taught me about being authorities and managing my time well.

Karen Hernandez

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Women's Identities

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA senator because it would be a great learning experience and a fantastic way to get even more involved on campus! I am currently involved in a few clubs/organizations and have a work-study position in the University Ministry. I enjoy engaging with Regis and meeting new people all the time. I am passionate about creating a safe community where everyone feels involved and welcomed.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My top two priorities for improving the student experience here include meeting the needs of Regis's female population, especially since we are a majority-female campus. I want to create a more robust community "feel" on our campus. I also want to emphasize the importance of mental health and how vital it is to take care of ourselves. Bringing more awareness to this topic is necessary for us as young adults navigating our future.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA can best serve Regis students by listening to their needs and experiences. This includes listening to everyone: transfer students, commuter students, out-of-state students, etc.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I possess excellent listening skills, which will be beneficial when working and talking with people. Two other strengths I have that are key for the Senate are teamwork and time management. I am great at working well in a team and organizing my responsibilities to prioritize my role in this position.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have had several jobs/positions that required leadership and independence. For example, youth groups and summer camps have taught me how to make critical decisions and lead groups of people. These various experiences will transfer well to this position.

Sarah Bramlett

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Indigenous

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • As an Inupiaq woman from Alaska, my journey at Regis has been one of growth and adaptation, transforming this campus into my home over the past year. My experiences as a residential student and my involvement and various roles across campus have given me a deep understanding of its inner workings and the diverse community here. However, I have noticed a lack of indigenous representation, having only met a few fellow indigenous students. This gap in representation motivates me to run for a RUSGA senator position. I believe that my unique perspective and background can contribute to more inclusiveness in representative student government. By serving as a senator, I aim to amplify indigenous voices, advocate for needs, and foster a more welcoming environment for all students. My commitment to this cause is rooted in my desire, ensure that every student feels seen and valued here at Regis.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected as a RUSGA senator, my top two priorities to enhance the student experience at Regis university would be to build a stronger indigenous community and to advocate for all students. As an Inupiaq woman, I understand the importance of representation in the need for a supportive community. I aim to create spaces and opportunities for indigenous students to connect, share their cultures, and feel a sense of belonging. Additionally, I am committed to being a voice for all students, ensuring that their concerns and needs are heard and addressed. By creating inclusivity and advocating for diverse perspectives, I believe we can create a more vibrant and supportive campus environment, where every student feels valued and empowered.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I believe that RUSGA can best serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate by ensuring diverse roles and actively listening to the needs of the student body. It is crucial that those in leadership positions represent the varied backgrounds and experiences of our community. This will help us to better understand and address unique challenges and aspirations of all students.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • The skills and strengths that I possess that will help me succeed as a RUSGA senator include my ability to connect with people, making them feel included and valued. I excel at building friendships and a sense of community, which is essential for effective representation. Additionally, I am adept at navigating challenging situations, always considering all possible outcomes and the perspectives of everyone involved. This ability to remain calm and thoughtful under pressure ensures that I can advocate effectively for the diverse needs of our student body, making sure every voice is heard and respected.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I have had various jobs on campus, including my recent role as a SOAR orientation leader. Despite not being a transfer student myself, I was assigned to assist transfer students and make it my mission to ensure they felt as welcomed and included as any other group. Building friendships with and making them feel included was a rewarding experience. Additionally, my role as Crew Lead at AMC Theaters has further honed my skills and navigating challenging situations and taking on leadership responsibilities. These experiences have equipped me with the ability to connect with diverse groups of people, manage difficult scenarios with empathy and efficiency, and lead to focus on inclusivity and support.

Priyankush Gautam

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: International

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I have always been interested in leadership and public speaking. Being a RUSGA will definitely add up to my skills and more than that I would be able to be a voice of my fellow friends which I feel itself is an achievement. As I am running for International Student Senator, I firmly believe that I will be able to address the needs and requirements of many international students like me since we all are new to this environment. Being a Senator, I can closely observe the cultural similarities and differences we all have so that we can all build a community of one not just inside the college but also afterwards.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My top priorities would be Advocacy and Cultural Integration and Inclusion.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I am absolutely confident that the RUGSA will serve its students the best through the Student Senate. The major role of a Senator is to act like a bridge between the students and the administration so, RUSGA will definitely make sure that the student's voices are being heard. Enhancing campus life, resource allocation and promoting inclusivity are other key things that RUSGA can do to serve the students through the Student Senate.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I have different skills that I am confident with in order to make sure that I can serve the best for the position I am given.  Those are: organizational skills, public relations, teamwork, time management, leadership, cultural competence, effective communication, critical thinking, data management, analytical skills, work ethics, and adaptability.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • Well I have a mixture of experiences which I strongly believe will help me to be elected as an International Student Senator. Those are as follows; Vice-Captain of Pathshala Nepal Foundation (School), President of Chelsea Cultural Club (High School), Member of Interact Club of Chelsea International Academy, Board Member of Chelsea STEM Club, Research and Development Officer in Navya Nepal where I worked with my team to integrate research and innovation into operations and organized Model United Nations(MUN). Board Member of "ENCOURAGE" where we did voluntary teaching in public schools of Kathmandu, Nepal. Dais (Judge) in Model United Nations conducted at different schools in Nepal. Volunteered in Lions Club where I got the opportunity to conduct Self-Hygiene and  Health awareness campaign in remote areas of Nepal. Volunteered in Nepal Red Cross Society blood donation campaign. Worked as a sales associate in a private business

Ezzah Rauf 

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Music/Arts Rep

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am deeply passionate about serving my community, and I believe that starts with proper representation. Often, a lack of support for these programs is not due to a deliberate intent to discourage or dismiss them, but rather stems from a lack of awareness. There can also be a certain stigma surrounding music and the arts held by other students, and I want to help bridge the gap while also being a voice that advocates for better support from those in power.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My second priority would be to focus on innovation. While amplifying voices is important, there is also value in being a strong leader who can create new ways to help and support. Thinking outside the box is the best way to improve a community, as it uses unique traits to bring about previously unattainable change. I would brainstorm new ways to get the music and art departments more engaged with Regis’s students, elevating participation and growing the programs. Additionally, I would focus on engagement not only within Regis but also within our Denver community as a whole. This would be especially impactful for our community member singers that we welcome here, reminding them that we care for the community outside our school walls as well.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA as a whole has a valuable and unique ability to speak for every student at Regis. While this is a great opportunity for both the students and the RUSGA members, it comes with a lot of responsibility. It is RUSGA’s job to look at one issue from 10,000 different points of view. Each student has an equal right to be heard because every student here has a different story to tell. It is important that no one is missed, and that is only achievable through genuine compassion. RUSGA can best serve Regis University through compassionate listening followed by a determination to act. It is only when stories are valued that productive and forward-moving change can be made.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • As you will learn in more detail in question 5, I have years of experience working in music, music leadership, and representing communities that need their voices lifted. This experience has helped develop me into a well-rounded and curious person, with my greatest strength being my overwhelming empathy. I would like to draw your attention to the use of the word empathy rather than sympathy. Not only do I hear other people's needs, but I also feel for them. This motivates me to seek action that will work towards a solution. My love for performance has given me the ability to feel comfortable and confident in public speaking, allowing me to voice the needs of others concisely and impactfully. Finally, my adoration for this community, particularly music and art, drives me to make it the best it can be and leave a legacy of continued change long after I am gone. I watched my high school music program grow leaps and bounds from when I entered as a freshman to when I graduated as a senior, and I know I played a part in that. Not by myself, but with the support of my community, and I am confident I can achieve the same at Regis.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position?

  • Surprisingly, this is not my first time developing a new leadership role in the context of music. In my sophomore year of high school, I applied to be the community coordinator for our music department, specifically for the marching band. I held this position for two years before graduating, and I had a wonderful experience creating a role focused on students' emotional well-being and bridging the gap between students and staff. I led afterschool events, served as the main point of communication between parents and the organization, and developed connections with each student so I could speak for the band with understanding. I was also a student teacher for our school's adaptive music class. I loved this role because it allowed me to experience teaching and learn about the value of students with disabilities—whose stories are often overlooked but are so important. I had the honor of becoming friends with each student and learning how to defend and uplift a community that is too often seen as less than.In a similar fashion to student teaching, I served as my band director's TA. This role taught me what goes on behind the scenes in a music department and highlighted the typical supports that are lacking. It also helped me develop effective communication skills with adults—an important strength as I would need to communicate regularly with the chairs of music and art if accepted.

Madden Clark

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Second Year Class

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I have just joined the Regis community and I want to become involved and help others who feel out of place. I want to create a very welcoming and inclusive environment for second years who are still trying to get to know each other but might not have the same opportunities as first years.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My top two priorities would be to create an environment for second years to get to know each other and strengthen the sense of community between all Regis students by getting all sorts of students involved together.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • I can best serve RUSGA because not being at Regis during my first semester of college allowed me to see the perspective of Regis without all the welcome activities. There are great opportunities for first-semester freshmen, which is incredible, but I know what it is like to not be in that position and want to help others through that transition.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I am very organized and assertive. I will be able to make strong, well-thought-out ideas and activities and not just let them happen but work to ensure they are seen to completion. I do not give up and will advocate for what is best for the students here at Regis.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I volunteered at an arts program for a few summers. During this, I had to be creative and think outside of the box to find ideas that would include and entertain the students I had best. This taught me to evaluate the desires and needs of everyone and come up with a solution that positively affects everyone.

Ettienne Adams 

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: First Year Class

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • A few reasons include: I believe that I could help improve the first year experience,  I also would love the experience of campaigning,  giving speeches and helping others.  Being part of an official student government was never an option in high school,  but I ran a few clubs and hosted several events.  So the opportunity to work in a more cohesive system while gaining experience would be a dream.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • I think helping promote the small business around campus through fundraising and possibly promoting those businesses with any students who may want to seek employment at those businesses.   And with any sort of increase in fundraising we can help with more financial aid,  scholarships, and grants.  Then to help promote the diversity of the campus I believe celebrating and raising awareness for holidays that may be overlooked by the American people,  would help any international students or students raised in a different culture feel at home.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • Especially for any first generation or even first year students,  I believe it would be helpful to make the ease into college more comfortable and social for students.  The transition from high school to a University that very possibly could have no familiar faces could come to be a challenge for some.  And helping students find a group that has similar hobbies, aspirations, or just a welcoming presence, could prove to help people find lifelong friends and strong connections.  Finding friends is clear in helping mental and physical health and to be of high importance.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I may not have experience in a true student government,  but I have two years of leadership.  From running a dance club to starting and running an event committee which amassed forty people from multiple grades.  With the swing club I ran practice twice a week,  hired professional teachers twice a month.  And with two years of event planning,  I had to schedule four dances every year,  along with other social events and fundraisers.  I had to do public speaking to promote these events, and to find volunteers for those events.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I would say my Committee experience.  It was a democratically ran committee which worked well since we had a large and diverse body of people.  And at the time any school ran events before the committee was instated were either not known or there was very little desire to go to those events.  So with this we were able to increase the quality of these events but also attendance rates.

Alice Mhango

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Black/African Diaspora

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • This role allows me to contribute positively by advocating for programs and events that reflect our community’s strengths and enrich the overall university experience. I am enthusiastic about using my perspective and passion to support and amplify the voices of the Black/African Diaspora, helping to create a more engaged and vibrant campus for everyone.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • Building Stronger Support Networks: I’d work on creating better support systems for students of African descent. This could include setting up mentorship programs, hosting professional development workshops, and forming social groups where students can connect with each other and with alumni. By strengthening these networks, I want to make sure students feel supported and connected, helping everyone to succeed and feel at home at Regis.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA can best serve Regis University students through the Student Senate by truly engaging with what students are saying and acting on their feedback. This means creating a campus environment where everyone feels included by supporting a wide range of events and activities that reflect our diverse interests and backgrounds. It also involves pushing for more resources and support where needed. Additionally, by encouraging students to take on leadership roles and get involved in campus life, RUSGA can help build a stronger, more connected community. By effectively bridging the gap between students and university leaders, RUSGA can make sure that every student's voice is heard and that the campus is a place where everyone feels they belong.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • If elected as Senator for the Black/African Diaspora, I believe my skills and strengths will be valuable: Cultural Sensitivity: Having a strong connection to the Black/African Diaspora, I understand the unique experiences and needs of our community. This will help me advocate effectively and ensure our concerns are represented accurately. Effective Communication: I’m good at engaging with people and listening to their perspectives. This will allow me to gather input from the community, communicate their needs to the Student Senate, and foster open dialogue. Collaboration: I’ve worked well with diverse groups before and know how to build partnerships. This will be crucial for organizing events and initiatives that bring people together and celebrate our culture. Problem-Solving: I enjoy finding creative solutions to challenges. Whether it's addressing specific issues within the community or improving campus life, I’m ready to tackle problems with innovative approaches. These skills will help me advocate for the Black/African Diaspora, support our community’s needs, and contribute to a more inclusive and engaged campus environment.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • My volunteer work at a hospital, my job at an eye clinic, and my background of African descent have all helped prepare me for this role in meaningful ways. Volunteer Work: Volunteering at the hospital has taught me how to listen and empathize with people from various backgrounds. It’s helped me understand the importance of clear communication and teamwork, which I believe will be valuable in representing the Black/African Diaspora and addressing our community's needs. Work Experience: At the eye clinic, I’ve developed strong organizational skills and learned how to manage tasks efficiently while focusing on the needs of individuals. These skills will help me stay organized and ensure that the initiatives I work on are effective and considerate of everyone’s needs. Personal Background: Being of African descent gives me a personal insight into the experiences and challenges of our community. This understanding will help me bring a genuine perspective to the role and work authentically on behalf of the Black/African Diaspora. Overall, these experiences have equipped me with skills and insights that I believe will be useful in contributing to the Student Senate and supporting our community at Regis.

Marielle Wiersma

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Anderson College of Business

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator to get more involved with Regis and RUSGA. I think that it is very important to be as involved with your school as possible- especially when you want your school to thrive for all of its students.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • I also think better support for clubs, whether it's advertising, outreach, those emails Dave Law would send out, and funding, clubs and club sports are under-supported in my opinion and I would like to work on getting them the resources they need.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUSGA's Student Senate allows for more collaboration and allows more groups at Regis to have a voice. I think utilizing popular votes and general discussions would allow for productive conflict and result in innovative solutions for our student body.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I am very self-motivated and optimistic in any workplace. I also thrive in leadership positions. I believe these are good strengths even for a senate position because I am not afraid to speak up for what's right while also maintaining a whole-picture point of view to make sure discussions are solution oriented.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • The position had me fill many responsibilities such as lifeguarding, challenge course facilitation, leading large group games, and collaborating with other leadership staff for optimal program efficiency and safety.

Winta Gebru

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Black/African Diaspora

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator for two main reasons. First being getting myself more involved within Regis; second being helping other students adjust to college life and providing support when they need it.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • If elected, my top two priorities would be helping students in need and getting everyone involved within Regis.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • As a first-year student, I know it can be difficult to get used to college life, and not everyone may feel welcome, so I would say RUSGA can help many students who feel unwelcome or who need help in any way.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • If elected, skills like understanding everyone's cultural and background differences will help me be successful in my position. Being an African diaspora myself, I've learned a lot about a lot of people's culture and religion which will help me in many different ways in life.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position? 

  • I moved to the United States when I was 12 years old, which taught me a lot about people from different backgrounds and the difference it makes in their lives. Once I turned 14, I got a volunteering position at ECDC African Community Center, which was a place to welcome refugees to Colorado. I loved my experience there and absolutely loved interacting with everyone from most countries in Africa. Being African myself and working with people from different countries in Africa helped me shape the way I think of cultural differences in our lives. So, I believe all of my experiences will help me shift into this position.

Phillip Ullom

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Commuter Students

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • I am interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator because I am a commuter student and will bring my varied perspective in order for our team of RUSGA student senators to perform better on behalf of Class of 2028.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • My top two priorities to improve the student experience are 1.  First and foremost, help determine which of the proposed events appeal to the largest number of class members of Class of 2028. 2.  Secondly, offer support and represent Class of 2028 to administration, faculty, staff, and alumni.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • RUGSA can best serve the students of Regis University by helping to determine which of the proposed events appeal to the largest number of students while supporting and representing students to administration, faculty, staff, and alumni.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • I have always been able to communicate and listen to others of different groups and I am working on becoming a skilled collaborator.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position?

  • I had the opportunity to volunteer in different locations during high school such as Children's Hospital at Anschutz Medical Campus, Shalom Park in Aurora, CO., GLOBAL Down Syndrome in Denver, CO., and Project C.U.R.E. in Centennial, CO. which I believe has prepared me for and would transfer well to this position.

Mason Rice

Running for RUSGA Senator to represent: Disability Justice & Equity

1. Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Senator?

  • It was exciting to be in RUSGA last time! Plus, I also have leadership experience.

2. If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

  • I would make sure that everyone is treated equally and that no one gets all sharp towards another person with their words.

3. In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University through the Student Senate?

  • Possibly, by making more events that everyone is included in.

4. What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position, if elected?

  • One of my strengths is I have a get-it-done attitude when assigned something important to something school-related.

5. What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position?

  • I have experience with student council stuff because I was in student council at Prairie View High School here in Colorado.